How to Install Windows Xp

Posted by MJ  |  at  12:22 AM No comments

Things Needed:

1. Windows Xp Installer with Product Key.

System Unit:

1. 300 MHz Processor or higher.
2. 128 MB of RAM.
3. At least 1.5GB of available space on the hard disk.
4. CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
5. Keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.

First thing you need to do when you install windows is to check that your system unit is working properly and in good condition. Make sure your cd-rom drive and hard disk drive is connected. You can check it in standard CMOS Setup in your system BIOS. The next important settings you need to configure in your BIOS is to set your cd-room drive as the 1st boot device, the purpose of this settings is to tell your computer to read first the cd-room drive wherein your windows installer is mount on it before reading the hard disk. Save settings and Exit BIOS.

Lets start the Windows Setup on How to Install Windows Xp.

Insert your windows Xp SP3 installer in your cd-room drive, The System will read the windows installer inside the Cd-room wait until it show "Press any key to boot from cd" then press any key.

After Windows Setup is loading the files. Welcome to Setup window will appear, to setup windows Xp press "Enter".

Please wait until Windows Xp License Agreement window will appear. Then to agree the Licensing agreement press "F8".

Next step the system will search if you computer has a previous installation of XP. If there is a previous installation computer will detect it if you want to repair it press "R" but if you want a fresh copy of windows Xp press "Esc". If there is no previous windows installation the system will go to Hard disk Partitioning window. If you want to create partition or divide your hard disk to 2 or more parts press "C" but make sure that all partition is deleted. To delete partition press "D". Then if you already created partitions select a partition that you want to install windows xp then press "Enter".

The Partition you've selected is going to be formatted. Select "Format the Partition Using the NTFS File System its either normal or quick. Setup is now Formatting.

The setup will check your disk and create a list of files to be copy. Then the setup will be copying the files, wait until 100 percent or your computer to reboot.

Setup is finished preparing installation you will notice that every reboot it always show "Press any key to boot from cd" but don't press any key again to continue in installing windows if do press any key the setup will restart.

Wait until the "regional and language options" window will appear then click "Next". Personalize Your Software Window Will Appear Encode your Name and Organization then click "next". Enter Your Product Key. Then enter your computer name and administrator password and click "next". Enter the Date and Time Settings.

Wait until Network Settings window will appear. Choose Typical Settings and click "next". Input your work group or if you have domain if you don't know about it just click "Next". Wait up to 25 minutes and your computer will reboot.

Finalizing Setup. Welcome Window Will Appear Click Next. Help to Protect you PC window will appear choose if want to turn automatic updates or Not (optional) then Click Next. Setup is checking your internet connectivity just skip this window. Registering Microsoft window will appear choose "no, at this time" and Next. Enter Your Name or User account and click Next.

Installing windows Xp is Finish.

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Working as Computer Specialist in City Infobased Incorporated and a Freelance Computer Technician from Roxas City, Capiz Philippines. Blogging is my way of sharing my knowledge and experience as a Computer Technician.

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